Robust and space-saving coat hanger with different colors

In the shop you can touch all the most beautiful compositions of the well-known brand, including those complete with metal design hangers. From the bedroom to the living room, these accessories are inevitable objects to perfectly complete the practical qualities and aesthetic qualities of the rooms. The Ponti Terenghi brand is synonymous with quality and style: visiting us means relying on the company's many years of competence and dedication. To make the most of the interiors, a detail is sufficient to be achieved by inserting some quality Complements in the middle of the rest of the furnishings. Refinement and practicality distinguish the various solutions of the company, including this proposal of Palito design coat hanger by Ponti Terenghi in metal with a strong aesthetic impact.

Palito design coat hanger by Ponti Terenghi

If you want Design complements and metal coat hangers, get information on the Palito model of the Ponti Terenghi brand.

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